Thursday, February 20, 2014

Really Seeing Eleanor

On Monday Eleanor wowed me again with her artistic ability.  An icy day off from school provided the perfect backdrop for drawing.  While her sisters were, no doubt, face to screen, Eleanor found a spot on the ottoman in the sun room to draw the Notre Dame Fighting Irishman and a Borgia Knight.

The Irishman she drew while looking at a picture.  The Knight she drew without reference.  Both were remarkable, in my humble motherly opinion.

Today when walking home from school I stopped to chat with Mrs. King, our art teacher.  I told her about the pictures and how proud I was of her critical eye, artistic hand and patient demeanor.  She really takes her time and has a lot of pride in her work.  You can even see it in her penmanship.  Mrs. King was grateful and asked me to send her pictures of the drawings.  She told me how much she liked watching her work and then she told me "she always hums when she draws."  Really?  I didn't know.  How is it I haven't noticed this?  What else have I missed?  It makes me sad that while living in our day to day chaos I am missing parts of my children.  I am not seeing the whole of them.  I want to listen and see better.  I must tune in to make sure I know who they really are not just who I  think they are.

Mrs. King replied to the email I sent writing, "I see her patience with changing colors for finesse, her neatness and effort at staying within the lines, her understanding of the depth on the knight (no second leg showing!).  This artwork is more typical of what I see in 6th graders.  She will be so much fun to watch!  Plus, knowing that this pleases you is SO important to her development as an artist!
It is one of her many gifts!"

All of our girls have many gifts.  We are remarkably blessed.  I am so grateful to have people in our lives that further nurture these gifts.  Gifts that I lack and don't fully understand.  In absence of Mrs. King I wouldn't know that "changing colors for finesse," or an "understanding of depth" are skills to be appreciated in art.  Skills to be appreciated when I really see Eleanor.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

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Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Tooth Trifecta

The unthinkable happened last night.  All three Pettet girls lost a tooth!

Who knew such a thing was possible?  I think there might have been some healthy competition at play.  To fully appreciate the story I have to begin with a gift Lillian received from St. Nicholas.  Poppy was excited to get a tooth pillow last year as she thought it meant she was close to losing her first tooth.  Imagine her disappointment as 2013 progressed and all her fellow Kindergarteners were losing teeth.  A lot of teeth.  We saw the dentist in August and he told her it would probably be Christmas before she lost her first tooth.  The result? Epic sadness because, as everyone knows, lost teeth are like money in the pocket when you are 6 years old. Fast forward to mid-October when Lillian proudly professed she had not one, but TWO(!!!) loose teeth.  I doubt this girl has ever worked as hard on anything as she worked on wiggling that tooth and lo and behold her hard work paid off Friday, during school in Religion class (which by the way is like a miracle when you are a Catholic School kid!)

When it came time to put her tooth out for the tooth fairy, Poppy was apparently feeling a little nostalgic for that tooth.  I guess she had become attached to it while trying to detach it.  The following note accompanied her tooth. 

Remarkably, the very nice tooth fairly not only left her tooth, but also left a dollar.  A little disappointing because her sisters informed her the tooth fairy usually pays a bonus for the first tooth.  On Saturday, she must have grown tired of said tooth (or anxious for more money).  At bedtime she wanted to put it out again, this time for the tooth fairy to take.  Imagine the surprise when she woke up to $2!  All of this tooth activity must have inspired Eleanor who began working her her loose tooth. 

All hope was lost Sunday night, when Eleanor was upset with me because she said I cut her fingers nails to short to effectively pull out her loose tooth.  As I was begging for forgiveness while tucking  her in, chaos erupted as daddy assisted Lillian in pulling out tooth #2!

Blood was everywhere, Lillian was cheering and Eleanor was crying.

Within five minutes Eleanor was leaning over the sink, tooth in hand.  Before I could even snap a photo Big Sis, Meredith was behind me wiggling her loose tooth.  And wouldn't you know it, we now have three girls who have each lost a tooth in the same night (within the same ten minute window of time!)

For the record, apparently the tooth fairy pays a bonus when she can collect more than one tooth per stop!  $5 per tooth!  I don't think mom and dad collected $15 for all teeth they lost combined.

Needless to say the Pettets had a fun story to retell this morning.  I think mom even got a Christmas card photo! 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Clean sweep

Motivated by an intense desire for more storage space (read closets) and a bathroom sink I don't have to share with three girls (read future prepubescents,) Bradly and I have started talking about adding on to the house or moving (gasp!) We are strictly in the exploration phase right now but with the recent three day weekend we jumped feet first into "House For Sale" mode. Brad spent approximately 24 hours in the basement and garage and I spent roughly 5 hours on each room of 309. Three days wasn't even enough for me. I took a half day of vacation to clean the laundry room, kitchen and office simply to be done.

Suffice it to say I cleaned things that hadn't been touched in years. I moved furniture, took pictures off the walls, and emptied closets. I even think I mopped up dried milk. My baby is 5.5 years old. If that milk was from a baby bottle, that milk is way old.

Friday, August 17, 2012

The Big Reveal

So I hadn't planned for the dreaded No Service to appear on my cell phone as we arrived, but, admittedly it made our trip even better.  Unfortunately for the few people (okay, one person) who was waiting with baited breath to find out where we went it delayed The Big Reveal.  Not only did I have to get back to ATT's service area but then I had to upload photos off my camera to my computer, then from my computer to Picasa and from Picasa...well you get the point.  I am delighted to tell you that we went camping!! Mind you, this was not Greg AuBuchon camping, but it was sleep in a tent camping (if only for one night.)  We went back to Bass River Resort in Steelville and had a grand time. Brad was happy to dust off the old camping supplies and the girls were so excited.  I couldn't get enough of hearing the girls say I was the best mommy ever.  

The weather was pretty cool so we decided not to float but we did everything else one should do when camping:
  • we waded in the river
  • we cooked on a fire
  • we hunted for fire wood
  • we went on a "hike"
  • we caught minnows
  • we slept in a tent
  • we peed (and some pooed) outside
  • we climbed trees
  • we climbed in trees
  • we played flashlight tag
  • we ate s'mores
  • we fell asleep by the fire
  • we awoke to rain
It was an absolutely terrific time.  We have always wanted to take the girls camping and they have always wanted to go and it was finally the right time.  I am sure it won't be the last time.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Listen up

Driving down I-44 listening to The Little Mermaid it occurs to me that one of the things I will miss most as our girls grow up is listening to the movies they watch when we travel. I don't know that this DVD has ever been played inside our house and I probably haven't seen The Little Mermaid since it came out in 1989, but I can still sing along (and do!!) and quote this movie better than any other. We are probably just a few short years from retiring all Disney princess movies from our regular rotation but I know, for the rest of my life, this movie will matter to me. Its just another of the little thing that makes growing these Pettet girls special.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Let the fun begin!!

For the fourth year (at least, we have kind of lost count) we surprised the girls with a family fun day announcement this morning. Each year before the return to school we plan a special day trip to celebrate the end of summer. We started at McDonalds (nearly enough for them but not for us!) for breakfast. As is our custom they still don't know where we are going. Stay tuned you can be surprised with them.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Whatta Man

Every time Father's Day comes around I think of the old Salt n Pepa song, Whatta Man.  I know!  Salt n Pepa?  I am a child of the 80's and some of those tapes that play in the head never go away, but I digress.  Anyway, there is a line in the song that Brad and I have always laughed at when we hear it.  As Salt (or Pepa, whoever can tell them apart) is listing all the tributes of her great man she sings "spends quality time with his kids when he can."  When he can?! What does that mean?  Fatherhood isn't about when you can. Fatherhood (and parenthood, in general) is probably most important when you think you can't or even when you don't want to. We are so spoiled at our house.  I really do think my girls have the best dad in the world. I should forewarn all the mom's of sons that the bar has been set pretty high with the example the Pettet dad has shown.  I am not sure your boys will be up for the demands of these future wives/mothers.
We love you, Daddy!  Happy Father's Day!
(PS - Happy Father's Day to my dad, too!  He is pretty awesome as well.  Love you, Pops!)

Monday, February 13, 2012

Damn groundhog

Just when my flowers were popping out and I have officially started my swimsuit diet winter shows up. It sounds like it will be short lived and I don't expect the girls to even score a snow day but the girls (okay, Daddy) did get a snowman built. The Missorian even stopped by to snap a photo saying it was the first snowman they have seen.

Do you know my mommy?

Lillian's class was treated to breakfast with Mayor Sandy Lucy last month. She read to them, danced with them and answered questions. I was proud to see Poppy asked a question since she can be shy. I asked her what they talked about and she said she asked her if she knew her mommy. Turns out the mayor had already told me that story.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Strange bedfellows

The only thing really wrong with this picture is that Eleanor is missing. She is at an overnight trip with Peyton. Doesn't matter. If if she were here she wouldn't be here. She likes to sleep in her own bed. Not these two. They like to sleep in our bed. Actually, what is probably more true is that like to sleep with mommy and daddy. Maybe it would be even more true yet to say they like to sleep right up close and next to mommy and daddy. Mostly daddy because I need space. Brad says let them be little. Actually that's what he used to say about Meredith. She's hardly little anymore. In fact, he declared this week that he had carried her to bed for the last time. Guess he will be waking her up for a zombie like walk to her room any minute now. As for Poppy, she gets to stay until those sweet little baby cheeks go away. She is, after all, still little.

Monday, December 26, 2011

With love, Santa

Those that know us well, know how much we enjoy creating traditions for our girls.  One that has become a Christmas favorite is Santa's Christmas eve visit.  We haven't caught him yet, because he always comes when we are at Mass, but he always delivers new jammies, usually leaves a letter and lately, has been picking up Buddy our elf.  He doesn't leave any toys or other gifts.  It's like he just stops by to let us know he is in town and let's us know what we should be working on to make next year's Nice List.  

Here is this year's letter:

What a year!  I can’t believe how big the Pettet girls are getting. 

Meredith, I am so impressed by how hard you worked for your piano recital.  I know it is a lot work and, surely, you would rather play than practice, but I know how proud your family is of you and you did such a great job.  You are also working hard at school.  Way to go.

What a fabulous job is Eleanor doing at school! Your reading and artwork are terrific and you are such a nice girl at school.  You take your time and do good work.

Lillian, what a kind hearted child you are.  You do a remarkable job with your manners and are funny, always making people laugh. I know you are working hard on getting rid of your pull ups. Keep up the good work and I know you will get rid of those pull ups soon. I am proud of you. 

Don’t forget your sisters are a special gift from God.  Be nice to one another.
Your parents love you with their whole hearts.  Their number one job is to keep you safe help you grow up to be kind and loving people.  Love them back.  Always.
Tell the truth.  Lying is worse than anything you could ever do wrong.  Mommy, daddy and Jesus will always forgive you.
Don’t hit.
Words can hurt more than a punch in the nose, so use your words nicely.
Work hard at school, play, home and loving your family.
Dance silly. 
Read.  A lot.  The movie in your head is much better than the movie on TV.
Keep your room clean.
Be thankful.
Love God.
Help others.  Your lemonade stand is a very nice thing.  Jesus helped the needy, too.
Be a good friend.  Be a good girl.  Be a good sister.
Stay in your bed.
Love, Santa

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Just to be certain

Tonight the girls wrote letters to Santa. They are already gone. I think Buddy the Elf might have taken them to the North Pole. Meredith cut straight to the chase on her letter, listed all the things she wants. I wrote most of Lillian's list based on the photo wish list she made a few weeks back at Target. Eleanor, well, she's just Eleanor. She Started her letter by telling Santa she has been good, wrote her list, sealed the envelope and, apparently, for good measure, added another reminder to the big guy that she had, in fact, been good. I guess you can never be too sure.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Learning is Cool Stuff

I am amazed at how well Eleanor is reading already.  I actually asked her teacher, Mrs. Unnerstall, to try to discern if she was really reading or had memorized a few favorite books.  Turns out that, yep, she is reading.  In addition she is learning to spell.  She reminds me a little bit of Jo in Little Women...likes to read and write. In fact, she and I are reading the Louisa May Alcott book right now.  Recently, she and her sisters were sent to their rooms.  When she came down she brought some of her writings.  Not only am I very impressed, I was very intrigued with how her little brain works.  You can see, in her writing, how she must hear things and sounds them out in her head.  It's different than how a mature brain works (as indicated when I try to read what she has just read to me!)  I don't have many parenting regrets (yet) but one thing that makes me sad is that I probably missed moments like this with Meredith.  Regardless, it's fun to experience now.

Magical Mommy Moment

Parenthood is full of blessings but many get lost in the blur of everyday life. Recently, Meredith has offered us a parenting first. She, for the first time I am aware, now knows something neither Brad nor I know; how to play piano! Thanks to the hard work of cousin Ellory, Meredith is learning to read music and now has three songs in her repertoire. It's pretty remarkable experience. I keep thinking about and am surprised by the fact that I gave birth to someone that has now outpaced me. I hope there are many similar moments ahead of me.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Growing up Catholic

Brad and I are proud to be raising the girls Catholic and moments like we experienced at dinner tonight add to it.  We were nearly finished eating and Eleanor started humming and asked us to guess what she was humming.  I had no idea and was thinking of the Disney shows we watched earlier in the day.  Brad didn't know either.  She finished humming and then sung out loud "Lasagna in the Highest."  Huh? we asked.  "Lasagna in the Highest, from Church," she said.  Right on tune, she sang about the Italian casserole we all know and love.  The video below has the real version from a Mass in Ohio.

Brad thinks we should tell her.  I figure she'll figure it out in due time. I am just so darn proud she is paying attention.


Saturday, October 1, 2011


We met some friends at Blumenhof Winery today and took the girls.  It was a beautiful day and we knew they would have fun.  It just took them a while to figure out what fun looks like without stuff or screens.  Eventually they danced, played in the woods and, my favorite, rolled down the hill.  Nothing like a little unplugged fun to really feel like a kid!  I love that this is a universal childhood experience.  No one had to show them how to do it, they just did it.  Eventually they were even joined by some adults (no, not us!)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Ride, Sally, Ride

Yesterday Eleanor and her Daddy took the training wheels off her bike.  Today she took off.  I am not sure which of us was more proud.  Of course, as her mother, I was proud of her for riding her bike, but I was more proud of how confident she was and how proud she was of herself.  Definitely a defining mommy moment.  Sure it was the same for Bradly who actually did the bike riding instruction...glad he's getting practice, I suppose the car will be next.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Best card ever

It's nice to be known so well. The inside reads "Where's your party at, bitch?"

Mrs. Perkins, sixth grade English teacher at SFB, would be so proud.

Friday, September 23, 2011

That mom

Recently I was at the car dealership waiting for a repair. I was a little put off at the morning I had given up to be there but I had bought my laptop and was hard at work. My concentration was broken when I heard a mother come in with her young child. I was surprised when the (not in school) Pre-schooler immediately asked for something from the vending machine. I was extra surprised that "that mom" said yes and could almost hear myself saying NO! to my children had they been along.

Shortly thereafter I looked up from my laptop and saw "that mom" playing on the floor with her child. I'm talking on-the-floor-pretend-play-where-you-be-the-bad-guy playing. I found myself thinking how, had the girls not been in school, I still would not have brought them. Quickly I realized how unhappy they would be if they were there. No snack. No momma playing on the floor with them. Sure they'd be wondering why they hadn't got "that momma!"